Better Family Article Series

Family Health
Filling Nutritional Gaps

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Article Highlights

  • Family wellness activities improve family wellbeing and relationships through increased communication and quality time between family members.
  • Your children will be better able to take care of themselves in their adult lives by exposing them to healthy practices through family wellness activities.
  • From a physical health perspective, diet is a key factor in family wellness, and incorporating multivitamins in a family's diet can help make up for often missing micronutrients in a busy family's diet. 
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Family Wellness Activities

A word that you often hear thrown around in health circles, especially in the context of self-care, is wellness. In a general sense, you can think of wellness as the consistent practice of healthy habits that will have a positive impact on your physical or mental well-being. But wellness is multidimensional, meaning that it branches out into various different aspects of your life, some of which may not be obvious at first. The 8 dimensions of wellness are emotional or mental, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual (1). Each dimension is unique and will have its own set of healthy habits for you to practice to achieve the best version of yourself. In this article, we will be focusing on health and wellness activities for families in particular, which can fit into several of these 8 dimensions.

So what is family wellness exactly? What does it look like? According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, “family wellness means that everyone in the family has healthy mental functioning, productive activities, and fulfilling relationships with one another and people outside the family” (2). Familial well-being of this kind is often an ongoing process. After all, every family’s situation is unique and will require its own set of consistent healthy habits. There are family wellness activities to fit every lifestyle, no matter how hectic your schedule may be. From eating meals together to teaching your kids about the usefulness of meditation, family wellness training can take many forms, often branching out from the typical concerns about nutrition and physical activity into emotional and spiritual aspects of life as well. It’s all about finding the right balance of fun and fulfillment to keep all family members engaged while helping them to form good habits that will lead them to live overall healthier lives.

Family Relationships And Well Being

But why is family wellness important? And why are families important to individuals? Let’s explore these questions by taking a deeper look at family relationships and well-being as well as the importance of family in health promotion, especially for kids and teens.

For many kids growing up, the blueprint for healthy living comes largely from family life. Internal family relationships can help developing children understand social intricacies in a safe environment, both by watching how parents interact and by playing with siblings. These relationships provide a foundation that kids can rely on as they branch out with their own social circles and seek healthy relationships outside of the family structure. Communication and quality time are key aspects of building family relationships, and one of the best ways to increase both of these around your household is by incorporating wellness activities that your family can do together.

We will explore the specifics of what a family wellness plan may look like in a later section, but for now let’s consider some of the benefits of practicing wellness as a family. Wellness activities can be an excellent source of bonding and quality time. Eating meals together, planning out a nutrition plan, or practicing yoga as a family are just a few examples of healthy habits that are fun and engaging for the whole family. Encourage your kids to speak up and make their own contributions to your routines, perhaps by setting their own individual fitness or meditation goals. Practices like these will help them learn how to set achievable goals in the future as well as deal with both success and failure.

And not only do these activities bring family members together, but they also teach valuable lessons about healthy behaviors to young children and teens. Children rely on their parents as an example of how to live in a healthy way and are much more likely to do things that they have seen their parents do. By establishing healthy practices when it comes to preventive care, exercise, hygiene, and nutrition, you can help your children lay a foundational understanding of how to take care of their bodies and their minds in many different aspects of their lives (3). This understanding and the formation of healthy habits are just a few of the positive effects of family wellness and relationships.

Family Wellness Products

Wellness typically takes the form of a routine or plan, but there are family wellness products that can help you out along your journey as well. A family wellness program, for example, might include a guide to help you choose the right healthy habits to get your family started on the path to a better well-being along with a meal plan to take control of diet and nutrition. A family wellness membership at your local YMCA or gym may even offer access to family wellness machines or a family wellness track where you can do fun, physical activities together with your loved ones. Finding any way to make wellness more fun and engaging, especially for younger children, teaches that living well doesn’t have to be a chore! Everything revolves around finding the perfect balance of routine and entertainment to fit your family’s lifestyle.

Another great product to provide your loved ones with an added boost of nutrition is to incorporate a multivitamin into your routine. Multivitamins are designed to supplement the body with the micronutrients that it needs on a daily basis, especially those which may be missing from your diet. They are very handy for parents of picky eaters who refuse to touch fruits, vegetables, or other vitamin-rich foods. Better Family’s Liquid Daily Multivitamin contains a diverse blend of essential nutrients such as B complex vitamins, vitamins A, E, D, and K, and important minerals like zinc, iodine, chromium, and selenium. This all-in-one liquid solution can be consumed sublingually and is more concentrated than other liquid multivitamins, making it the standout choice among competitors for fast absorption of only the highest quality micronutrients. Both safe and effective, our Liquid Daily Multivitamin is a great choice for any household and can be given to family members of all ages.

Family Wellness Plan Sample

With all these benefits in mind, let’s take a look at a family wellness plan sample that highlights health and wellness for kids, adults, and the whole family. These are just a few examples of healthy habits you can incorporate into your typical routine, but feel free to be as creative as you’d like when writing your own!

  • Eat dinner together. Mealtime is an essential part of establishing healthy connections and communication habits between family members. In a relaxed, joyful environment with the presence of good food, each member of your family can feel encouraged to share their feelings or some details about their day. 
  • Limit distractions. As amazing as our devices are, they can sometimes be a barrier when it comes to truly spending time with those around us. Constant notifications from emails and texts causes inattention in both parents and children, which can be detrimental to communication. Turn off devices and encourage your kids to do the same during family time in order to give all family members the attention they need.
  • Exercise. This is without a doubt one of the most entertaining aspects of wellness for many kids, and it also has the benefit of being extremely customizable. Depending on your loved ones’ interests, you can theme physical activity in an engaging way that gets kids up off the couch and on their feet. Examples include family walks and bike rides as well as shooting hoops or kicking around a soccer ball.
  • Create a schedule. Establishing a schedule is a great way to teach children time management and responsibility while combating procrastination. Work with them to develop a timeframe that allows them to complete homework, attend practices, and do chores while still leaving time for the things they enjoy.

For a more personal health and wellness plan sample, check out our article on Daily Wellness Routines as well.

School Wellness Plan Examples

The global pandemic has had an immense impact on the way kids are attending school, with many of them struggling to make the necessary adjustments to thrive in online classes. Helping your children develop and stick to a wellness routine is one way to guide their transition and make sure they still get the most out of their education throughout these difficult times. Below, we have provided some school wellness plan examples to help parents brainstorm wellness activities for students during covid.

  • Wake up early. Try to encourage kids to wake up when they normally would for school, even if they don’t have to get ready and drive there like they used to do. Some classes may not even start until the afternoon, but having a set time to wake up and prepare for the day ahead establishes healthy sleeping habits and leaves time for students to ease into their day without rushing.
  • Break up the monotony of online classes. Lunch and recess are essential parts of every school day, even for older students. Even if you don’t have time to prepare lunch for them yourself, encourage kids to step away from their assignments and truly relax while they eat. Taking a walk or catching up with friends for a bit can also refresh the mind by providing them with a much needed break.
  • Create a school workspace. Having no separation between their living space and their school space can be stressful for many students. Set aside an area in the dining room, office, or anywhere quiet and secluded where your child can customize their environment and work on assignments without distractions. 

These are just a handful of health and wellness activities for students that may help your children adapt to the abrupt changes happening in the world at the moment. Work together with them to create a wellness routine that adheres to their goals and preferences while still pushing them to be the best version of themselves that they can be.


  1. “The Eight Dimensions of Wellness.” William & Mary, 2022,
  2. “What Is a Family Wellness Counselor?” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 4 November 2013,
  3. “The Importance of Family for Wellbeing.” University of Minnesota, 2016,

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