Better Family Article Series
Liquid Multivitamins
The Absorption Advantage
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Article Highlights
- Having the right amount of niacin in your body encourages your system to create more good cholesterol and less bad cholesterol.
- The right amount of niacin can be beneficial for hair growth and hair thickness, but too much in your system can lead to irritation and hair loss.
- Vitamin B3 for skin can help to reduce brown spots and encourage properties of anti-aging.
Liquid Vitamin B3 Supplement
Vitamin B3 is also called niacin, and it’s important for the body to have enough of this mineral in order to maintain good health. High amounts of niacin in the body can improve cholesterol levels, and if this is something that you struggle with, your doctor may recommend a liquid vitamin B3 supplement (1).
Vitamin B3, while it’s also referred to as niacin, is also referred to as nicotinic acid. So, if you find yourself confused and wondering which vitamin is nicotinic acid, it’s referring to B3.
People commonly take liquid niacin in order to boost good HDL cholesterol and lower their triglycerides. Taking a niacinamide supplement can also lower bad LDL cholesterol, and it is sometimes prescribed with statins in order to maintain cholesterol control.
Vitamin B3 liquid is only effective to treat cholesterol problems if it’s given in high doses, and taking high doses like this could pose a few risks like liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, or glucose intolerance. Because of this, it’s necessary to speak to your doctor before treating yourself with niacinamide oral liquid.
Since there are a few ways in which niacinamide liquid form can be helpful, it’s smart to talk to your doctor about the dosage that’s right for you. Everyone needs a certain amount of niacin, whether that’s from food or nicotinic acid liquid. This is so the body can function normally. The dietary reference intake varies with age and other factors, but it looks something like this:
- Children- between 2-16 milligrams daily, depending on age
- Men - 16 milligrams daily
- Women - 14 milligrams daily
- Pregnant women - 18 milligrams daily
- Breastfeeding women - 17 milligrams daily
- Maximum daily intake for adults of all ages: 35 milligrams daily
Most people can get the right amount of niacin from a healthy, balanced diet.
If your doctor prescribes you niacinamide liquid form, it’s often recommended that it’s taken with food to prevent an upset stomach. To reduce flushing, which is a niacin side effect that we will discuss later on, you can take niacin with aspirin and avoid alcohol and spicy foods.
Nicotinic Acid Uses
There are a few different nicotinic acid uses. It’s often used to prevent and treat niacin deficiency, which is called pellagra (2). This type of deficiency can arise from certain medical conditions like alcohol abuse, malabsorption syndrome, or Hartnup disease. It can also arise from having a poor diet, or long-term use of certain medications like isoniazid. Having a niacin deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms such as diarrhea, confusion, tongue redness or swelling, and peeling red skin.
It’s also common to use nicotinic acid for cholesterol - specifically people who have problems with high cholesterol (3). Nicotinic acid reduces the body’s production of triglycerides and very low-density lipoprotein, which is converted to LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood. This makes for a lower amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and a higher amount of good (HDL) cholesterol and a lower level of triglycerides. It’s been found that nicotinic acid raises HDL cholesterol at a better rate than other lipid-lowering medicines do.
Funny enough, there’s also a use for liquid niacin for ducks. Humans aren’t the only creatures that can benefit from this mineral! Many people who raise ducklings mix the the liquid form of this vitamin into their ducks’ water or buy vitamin B3 tablets and sprinkle them into the water, as this helps the ducks’ bones grow strong while they’re young, before they can forage on their own and get a good source of niacin from bugs, weeds, and plants (4).
Back to the human side of things, there’s also a way to use liquid niacin for hair (5). By using topical products that include liquid niacin, you can promote the look and feel of thicker hair, increase the moisture of your scalp, improve protein synthesis, reduce scalp inflammation, protect against environmental damage done to your hair, and help regulate scalp and hair oil production.
Is Niacin Good For Hair Growth
Now that we’re on the subject of hair, you might be wondering: Is niacin good for hair growth? The answer is that it could be (6). By using topical niacin for hair growth, you’re promoting the look and feel of thicker hair and stimulating new hair growth. Sometimes, the lack of blood flow can be to blame for hair thinning and hair loss, and niacin can help in that department.
How to use niacin for hair growth is all about the topical methods. By putting the niacin directly on your scalp and massaging it into your hair follicles, you’re increasing the moisture balance of your skin right at the source.
Niacin can also aid with hair growth because it’s been known to reduce inflammation, and inflammation can negatively affect your scalp.
Many people wonder: How much niacin should I take for hair growth? And the answer circles back to the dosage chart that we discussed previously. If you get the recommended daily amount of niacin, you should be good to go.
In a niacin hair growth study published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, it was found that niacinamide could impact sebum production and excretion rates, which has to do with the oil that your scalp is producing. The study showed that participants who were treated with a topical 2% niacinamide, their sebum extraction rates were significantly lower after 2 weeks and 4 weeks. This is great because too much oil can plug the sebaceous glands, and this can be itchy and uncomfortable. If this sounds like you, you may want to switch to a shampoo and conditioner that targets oily scalps and contains niacin.
While it’s true that a good amount of niacin can be beneficial for hair, the unfortunate answer to the question: Can too much niacin cause hair loss? Is yes (7). There is a way for you to overdo it on niacin, and if you have too much in your system, you could contradict all the hard work you’ve done on your hair - so make sure to talk to your doctor before supplementing yourself with niacin.
Nicotinic Acid For Skin
Along with being used for hair, it’s also possible to use nicotinic acid for skin. Since it’s a water-soluble vitamin, that means it has to be ingested or applied topically in order to do its magic on the skin. Since it can either be ingested or rubbed on, some people like to take vitamin B3 capsules for skin, and others like to use vitamin B3 skin cream. It can be used as a morning or night cream, and it works best on a clean face.
Vitamin B3 for skin is very restorative. It can restore cellular energy, repair damaged DNA, and reduce the effects of UV rays on the skin. It’s also been known to fight off stressors that lead to skin deterioration or breakdown - essentially, it’s a great tool for anti-aging, as it’s great at fighting wrinkles and damage.
Vitamin B3 for skin whitening, or brightening, is also used. It’s been shown to transfer pigment within the skin, which can reduce brown spots that occur either from the sun or from age. It can also help in reducing redness, preserve hydration, act as a strong skin barrier, and improve the synthesis of healthy fats - and these are all key factors in resilient, glowing skin.
It’s also recommended for people with sensitive skin and those with eczema or rosacea. It’s commonly found in sunscreens, and it’s great for people who find their skin frequently irritated from drugstore skincare products. The oral version of vitamin B3 can also be great for treating acne.
If you’re concerned about treating brown spots on your skin, it’s recommended to pair vitamin B3 with ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, and soy. This dream team will show you the best results possible.
It’s important to remember that everything is best in moderation. While the right amount of vitamin B3 can fight against skin irritation, too much vitamin B3 can lead to skin irritation, redness, or dermatitis. So, talk to your doctor to find a dosage that works for you and your skin.
Niacin Flush
We said that we would talk about niacin flush, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. If you’re wondering what a niacin flush is, it is when the capillaries in your skin dilate after you take niacin. When they do this, it increases the flow of blood to the surface of the skin (9.) It can make your skin feel warm, tingly, itchy, or it might even feel like it’s burning. It usually occurs about 15-30 minutes after taking niacin and it is somewhat reminiscent of a sunburn, but it only lasts for about an hour before fading.
Niacin flush is a very common side effect, with almost everyone who takes large doses of niacin experiencing the reddening. Although it isn’t harmful in any way, it can take you by surprise if you don’t know that it’s coming! Some people find it uncomfortable, though, which is why some companies have begun to create supplements that are niacin flush free.
There are a few possible niacin flush benefits, and these include:
- It can help decrease LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
- It has the potential to increase good cholesterol.
- It can aid in reducing hardening of the arteries.
- It can detox the body.
- It can aid in niacin flush weight loss.
- It can help to treat pellagra.
So, even if you find the symptoms of niacin flush a bit uncomfortable, try to remember that it only lasts for about an hour, and it helps you - it doesn’t hurt you!
- "Niacin (Vitamin B3)." WebMD,
- "Nicotinic Acid Capsule, Extended Release - Uses, Side Effects, and More." WebMD,
- "Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) for High Cholesterol." Kaiser Permanente,
- "Ducklings & Niacin." The Cape Coop,
- "9 Proven Benefits of Niacin (Vitamin B3) For Scalp + Hair Damage Repair." Save Me From, 23 Apr. 2021,
- "10 Proven Benefits of Vitamin B3 (Niacin)." Barber Surgeons Guild, 5 June 2019,
- Slator, William. "Niacin For Hair Growth: Does it Help With Hair Loss?" HairGuard, 21 Jan. 2021,
- Jahns, Erin, and Carolyn Hanson. "Psst: Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) Might Be the Secret to Glowing Skin." Byrdie, 19 Sept. 2021,
- Price, Annie. "Niacin Flush: Heart-Healthy Treatment or Hazardous Health Risk?" Dr. Axe, 6 Feb. 2018,
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