Better Family Article Series

Multivitamin Subscriptions
Convenient Health & Wellness

This article series is brought to you by the team behind Liquid Daily: the better option for filling nutritional gaps in your household.

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Article Highlights

  •  A vitamin subscription box will help you to always remember to take your vitamins.
  • Subscription boxes are possible for you even if you’re looking for the best personalized vitamins.
  • Women have especially nuanced needs when it comes to the vitamins and nutrients they need and vitamin subscription boxes help them meet these needs.
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Vitamin Subscription Box

Taking daily vitamins is a great way to stay balanced, supported, and maintain your health in a way that’s easy to incorporate into your routine. What isn’t always easy about vitamins, though, is remembering to place them in your cart when you’re at the store. 

Vitamins commonly become such an expected part of our schedule that we forget about them entirely - and that’s not a bad thing until the bottles run out. And then you forget them when you go to the store, promising yourself you’ll remember next time, but then it slips your mind again and again. This is how people most often fall off the vitamin train! 

Bet you’re thinking… if only there was something that could take away the hassle and annoyance of forgetting to buy new vitamins when you need them. But guess what? There is. A vitamin subscription box does all the remembering for you, and no longer will you have to get angry at yourself as you pull in the driveway and suddenly remember what had been on the tip of your tongue in the store.

This article will go over the different kinds of vitamin subscription boxes, even including options for those with tailored diets and restricted needs. If you’re someone who needs a vegan vitamin subscription, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered here! There are subscription boxes fit for all different kinds of needs.

Even if you don’t have any dietary restrictions and are simply looking for the best vitamin subscription for you and your lifestyle, this article will be a great help. There’s so much information out there on the internet, and trying to parse through it can get overwhelming and even disheartening. Because of that, we’ve done our best to compile a lot of it in one place here for you.

Personalized Vitamin Subscription

While the concept of taking vitamins is positive for nearly everyone, the same vitamins that benefit your neighbor might not benefit you. And we find that one of the major misconceptions about vitamin subscription boxes is that they come in a ‘one size fits all’ manner. But that’s just not true.

Subscription boxes are possible for you even if you’re looking for the best personalized vitamins. Either way, vitamins perform their best only when they’re tailored to exactly what you and your body need.

The way you can customize your subscription box to your needs is by taking a personalized vitamin quiz. This super short quiz will ask you a few questions about your lifestyle and the areas in which you need support, and your answers will help create a personalized vitamin subscription meant just for you - and no one else.

According to Healthline (1), who chooses their best personalized vitamin packs by judging their quality, selection, individualization, and helpfulness, the best choices for 2022 are as follows:

  • HUM Nutrition, which centers its focus on aiding specific issues like anxiety, insomnia, and food cravings (make note that not all of their products are organic/vegan).
  • Ritual, which is geared towards adult women (but still has products meant for men or children).
  • Care/of, which also offers probiotics, collagen, protein powder, and electrolyte sticks. 
  • Rootine, which gets straight to the ‘root’ of your needs and personalizes your vitamins through a blood test or DNA test. 
  • Persona, which offers a team of health professionals to help you along your vitamin journey. 
  • Nurish by Nature Made, which separates your supplements by the day and makes it easy to organize them. 

As you can see, there are plenty of quality options out there when it comes to finding a vitamin subscription service that caters exactly to your needs.

Personalized Vitamins Reviews

But although there are many varying options out there, we’d be remiss to say that we think our product, Liquid Daily, offers the best personalization in the game. If you’re looking for something that suits your entire household, then Liquid Daily is the way to go.

Why is that?

If you’ve spent any time researching other types of vitamin subscription boxes, you’ll see that most of them are geared towards one specific person within a household. But what about if you’re looking for something that benefits the entire family? That’s either not possible with many boxes, or it costs exponentially more. 

With Liquid Daily, we consider all the members of your family. And we also understand that while you all may live under the same roof, you’re far from being the same person, and each of you has different needs that should be addressed within your specific vitamins.

The sad truth of the matter is that many ‘personalized’ vitamin packs are often based on light, vague quizzes that end up recommending the same pills to everyone. So even though they may feel directed right at you, we’re sorry to say that mostly everyone feels that way once they get their result. And we understand that you’re one-of-a-kind.

We’ve done our research while combing through the internet in search of personalized vitamins reviews. When it comes to a Persona vitamins review, one customer reported feeling no difference at all after taking their supplements. There are even some people who have reported feeling sick after taking them.

And when it comes to a certain Care/of vitamins review, one customer said that while the vitamins seemed to have a positive effect, taking that many pills in the morning was a huge hassle.

The great news is an onslaught of pills will never be an issue with Liquid Daily. 

Daily Vitamin Packs

Regarding daily vitamin packs, there are specific packs geared towards whatever goal you might be currently focused on. There are men’s custom vitamins, which involve supplements for fitness and recovery, sleep and energy, and hair and skin - but instead of being general formulas for these categories, they are tailored more specifically towards a man’s genetic makeup. After taking an assessment to receive daily vitamin packs like this, a man can receive something that’s curated especially for him and his needs.

But men aren’t the only players in the game. There are also women’s daily pack vitamins, which includes supplements like calcium, probiotics, and Vitamin C, which are three components of a healthy system that many women don’t receive enough of (2).

And then there’s also a type of vitamin pack that can be used and benefited from by men and women. Obesity is a problem that many adults struggle with, and along with maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and healthy sleep, taking vitamin packs for weight loss can also assist you in maintaining a healthy weight or getting to a bodily size that is optimal for your health and way of life.

Included in vitamin packs for weight loss are things that help to curb those pesky carbohydrate cravings (the worst), and supplements that support healthy blood sugar levels. What helps to maintain blood sugar levels and encourage weight loss over time is something called alpha lipoic acid - it’s something your body makes naturally, but some of us just need a little extra boost to kick a few pounds.

Energy supplements are also included to help you hit the gym even after a long day at work. The purpose of these vitamin packs is that they’ll put their best (figurative) foot forward if you’ll do the same. 

Vitamin Packs For Women

Women have especially nuanced needs when it comes to the vitamins and nutrients they need, which is why picking the right vitamin packs for women can sometimes be a harrowing task.

The best vitamins for women involve supplements that support PMS/menopause symptoms, stress, poor sleep, hunger, and urinary tract disruptions - all things which women frequently deal with.

The best women’s daily vitamin pack can contain a myriad of different things - ranging from menopause support (with supplements that encourage healthy menstrual cycles, mood regulation, and reduce menopause symptoms like hot flashes and insomnia), to prenatal health supplements.

But reproduction isn’t the only worry at play when it comes to women’s health. The best vitamin packs for women also support healthy hair and skin, healthy sleep, and energy, which are extremely important components of a woman’s wellness and all-around health.

There are also vitamins available for women who are picky eaters, who are looking to conceive, and who are vegan and looking to consume some nutrients that they may not always receive from their daily diets. As a woman looking to consume vitamin packs, it’s important to consider factors like your age, the reason for taking the personalized vitamins, and making sure that the inactive ingredients within the vitamins align with your dietary restrictions/preferences (in some cases, there are inactive ingredients that don’t coincide with vegetarian/vegan diets).

Iron is an especially important ingredient for women’s vitamins, as it’s something that both pregnant and non-pregnant women alike can benefit from. But just remember when you’re taking something to get more iron deficiency, not to take it with coffee, tea, bran, or milk, as this can affect the success in which your body absorbs the nutrient.

Along with practicing a healthy lifestyle that incorporates regalar exercise, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet, vitamins can help women feel their best both inside and out. 


  1. Shoemaker, SaVanna. "The Top 7 Vitamin Subscription Services to Try in 2022." , 2 Dec. 2021,
  2. Grayson Mathis, Charlotte E. "Women Need More Vitamin C." , 14 Aug. 2001,

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