Better Family Article Series
Liquid Multivitamins
The Absorption Advantage
This article series is brought to you by the team behind Liquid Daily: the better option for filling nutritional gaps in your household.
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Article Highlights
- Thiamine helps break down nutrients contained in the food you eat and convert it into energy for body's cells.
- Lack of Thiamine can lead to cardiovascular and nervous system problems, and a decline in cognitive function.
- Good thiamine levels support brain function in terms of concentration, memory and better moods.
Liquid Vitamin B1 Supplement
Many of the processes the human body performs on a daily basis require a bit of outside assistance in the form of the vitamins and minerals obtained from eating a well-balanced diet. Each nutrient plays its own special role in maintaining our overall wellness, supporting different systems and promoting the health of cells. Some of the most important of these nutrients include vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, the B complex vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. In this article, we will pay particular attention to the first B vitamin ever discovered, vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine), and explore not only its role in maintaining a healthy body, but also any added benefits it may provide.
Like many other B complex vitamins, one of the main roles of thiamine is to help give your cells the energy they need. More specifically, it often assists in breaking down carbohydrates and other nutrients contained in the food you eat to turn them into energy for cells all over your body. This energy is particularly important for the brain and the heart, two areas in need of a constant supply of energy in order to function properly. For this reason, thiamine deficiency can lead to problems in both the cardiovascular system and the nervous system, with abnormal motor functions occurring in the heart and a decrease in cognitive function in the brain (1). Alongside energy production, thiamine also aids in the growth and development of cells all throughout your body’s various systems.
Along with the other B complex vitamins, vitamin B1 belongs to the water-soluble category of vitamins. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins which have their excess amounts stored in the fatty tissue and liver, excess amounts of vitamin B1 exit the body fairly quickly with only a small amount remaining stored in the liver. Therefore, it is very important to replenish your body’s B1 levels on a daily basis. Thiamine is found in a number of different foods, including pork, beef, poultry, organ meats, nuts, bran, legumes, and whole wheat rice or cereal (2). Keep note that overheating foods containing thiamine may reduce the amount of thiamine you actually absorb upon eating them. If you do not typically eat B1-rich foods, you may consider adding a liquid vitamin B1 supplement to your routine.
Thiamine Supplement Benefits
Thanks to the role of vitamin B1 in energy production, one of the many thiamine supplement benefits is increased energy. Though not as powerful as vitamin B12 when it comes to energy boosts, thiamine still helps cells break down food into energy at a faster rate while also supporting four of the key enzymes involved in the cell metabolism (3). Similarly, healthy thiamine levels also promote brain function in terms of concentration and memory as well as better moods. Sometimes referred to as a “morale vitamin,” thiamine has the ability to stabilize your mood and positively affect your overall attitude (4). In fact, taking a thiamine supplement alongside an antidepressant may help to improve symptoms, as a lack of thiamine has been associated with lower moods. Of course, you should consult with your physician before adding a supplement to your medical routine.
Healthy thiamine levels may also help with diabetes by improving insulin and blood sugar levels. It has also been linked to a decreased risk of kidney and circulation problems in diabetic patients, with the ability to reduce nerve pain as well as the need for painkillers. Benfotiamine, a synthetic form of vitamin B1, is currently being studied as a way to relieve neuropathy for diabetics while preventing other diabetic complications as well, such as heart failure, kidney disease, and eye damage (5). Even outside of diabetes treatment, thiamine can lower the risk of heart disease by helping produce acetylcholine, a chemical that facilitates communication between nerves and muscles in order to keep the heart working as it should.
Best Form Of Thiamine Supplement
Like most other vitamins and minerals, thiamine supplements are available in a variety of forms, both solid and liquid. Solid forms typically include vitamin B1 gummies, tablets, or capsules, all of which are consumed orally. Some benefits of gummies in particular is that they are generally a bit easier to take than tablets or capsules, since they are chewable and avoid the mineral-y taste associated with many tablets. However, gummies do run into the problem of additives for both taste and practicality, often containing higher amounts of sugar and fillers. If you want a solution that goes down easy and has only the vitamins and minerals you seek with no added fillers, you may want to consider the thiamine liquid form.
We believe that the best form of thiamine supplement will be a vitamin B1 liquid. Liquid thiamine and other liquid supplements often have a much faster absorption rate than tablets, gummies, or capsules. These solid supplements require your body to perform an extra step that liquids do not: digestion. Digesting the outer barrier of the supplement in order to reach the nutrients inside takes time and may result in some or all of the dosage leaving your body before it has had the chance to absorb. With a liquid supplement, nutrients are already present in their liquid forms with no outside barrier inhibiting their absorption, eliminating the need for digestion and ensuring that your body has ample time to absorb the full dosage.
In the realm of thiamine liquid options, there are several different varieties that can adhere to your unique supplemental needs. One popular form of liquid thiamine on its own without any additional vitamins is vitamin B1 drops. Liquid drops provide a quick and easy way to boost your body with its daily dosage of thiamine by either adding a drop directly onto your tongue or mixing it into a favorite beverage. In a similar vein, thiamine spray is another convenient option, especially if you need to take your supplement on the go. There are numerous throat sprays available that contain all of the B complex vitamins, making it easy to fulfill your daily requirements for all 8 of these important nutrients with one quick spritz.
Best Thiamine Supplement
The best thiamine supplement should contain your daily recommended amount of vitamin B1 without exceeding that level too much. As we will discuss in the next section, overdosing on thiamine is difficult, but taking excessive amounts of any vitamin or mineral can lead to health concerns in the long-term. According the National Institutes of Health, the following is the recommended daily intake for vitamin B1 across various age groups (6):
- Birth to 6 months: 0.2 mg
- Infants 7–12 months: 0.3 mg
- Children 1–3 years: 0.5 mg
- Children 4–8 years: 0.6 mg
- Children 9–13 years: 0.9 mg
- Teen boys 14–18 years: 1.2 mg
- Teen girls 14–18 years: 1.0 mg
- Men: 1.2 mg
- Women: 1.1 mg
Some individuals may be at an increased risk for thiamine deficiency due to pre-existing conditions or circumstances such as bariatric surgery, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s disease, anorexia, or chronic alcoholism (7). In this case, the best thiamine supplement for alcoholics or anyone under these circumstances may contain a slightly higher amount of vitamin B1 in order to make up for the deficiency. Symptoms of thiamine deficiency include headache, fatigue, irritability, depression, and abdominal discomfort. However, even if you experience these symptoms, you should always consult with your physician before starting a new supplement, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
If you are interested in receiving your daily recommended amount of thiamine alongside a variety of other essential vitamins in one convenient solution, then you may want to consider taking a multivitamin, such as Better Family’s Liquid Daily Multivitamin. Our diverse blend of nutrients includes the rest of the B complex vitamins along with vitamins A, E, D, and K, as well as important minerals like zinc, iodine, chromium, and selenium. This all-in-one liquid solution can be consumed sublingually and is more concentrated than other liquid multivitamins, making it the standout choice among competitors for fast absorption of only the highest quality micronutrients. Both safe and effective, our Liquid Daily Multivitamin is a great choice for any household and can be given to family members of all ages.
Thiamine Overdose
The nature of vitamin B1 as a water-soluble vitamin that is only stored in very small amounts in the liver makes the chances of a thiamine overdose very small. However, it is always possible to have too much of a good thing, and taking excessive amounts of vitamin B1 over a long period of time can lead to health concerns. Thiamine supplement side effects may include hypertension or allergic reaction. Keep in mind the warning signs of an allergic reaction (coughing, difficulty in swallowing, hives, itching of skin, and swelling) and contact a health professional immediately if you begin to experience them (8). As long as you stay within the recommended thiamine supplement dose for your age group (1.0-1.2 mg for adults), you should see very few side effects from taking a vitamin B1 supplement.
As with all supplements, you should always consult with your physician before beginning to take one regularly. Every human body has unique needs and circumstances surrounding its health, so what works for one person may not be a viable option for another. The bottomline is to make sure you stick around the recommended daily intake for all your supplements, and be careful not to fall into the trap of associating more vitamins with better vitamins.
- “Thiamin – Vitamin B1.” Harvard School of Public Health, 2022,
- “Vitamin B1 (Thiamine).” Mount Sinai, 2022,
- Zastre, Jason A. et al. “Linking vitamin B1 with cancer cell metabolism.” Cancer & Metabolism, 2013,
- WebMD Editorial Contributors. “Health Benefits of Vitamin B1.” WebMD, 23 June 2021,
- Starkman, Evan. “What Is Benfotiamine?” WebMD, 3 January 2020,
- “Thiamin Fact Sheet for Consumers.” National Institutes of Health, 22 March 2021,
- Mayo Clinic Staff. “Thiamin.” Mayo Clinic, 14 November 2020,
- “Thiamine (Oral Route, Injection Route).” Mayo Clinic, 1 February 2021,
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